Friday, February 26, 2010

What Game Does Your Favorite Athlete Play?

The Other Side of the Game is dedicated to highlighting what athletes do outside of their professional careers as athletes. From painting murals, to photography, to taking the time to give to those in need, our favorite sports figures do BIG things outside of sports.

I plan to give you the inside scoop on the lives of those you admire the most. From how they give back, where they dine, who they're dating, to what they enjoy about life. The great thing about us...there's no guessing, no hearsay, this is coming straight from your favorite sports figures themselves. So hang tight...while I take you to the "Other Side of the Game"!

WE WANNA HEAR FROM YOU...for all those reading...What Game Does YOUR Favorite Athlete Play? Inquiring minds wanna know??? Send me who'd you'd like to hear more about or any specific questions you may have and I'll be sure to explore the answers, here at The Other Side of the Game!

Hit me up at or via twitter at

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